Tacoma Yacht Club Sailing Camps and Classes are about having fun, being challenged and growing. Our certified sailing instructors goal is for each camper to have an amazing experience and learn new skills that will not only help them in sailing but throughout their life. After School Classes offer optimal learning two days per week over a month long period.
Start your adventure today in our Spring After-School Program!
Sail Camp is operated in partnership with GHYC Junior Sail. Please be sure to confirm the location of your class during registration.
AGES 8-11
$375 for 30 hours of instruction
$335 w/ TYC Member discount
Youth class is the best place for sailors ages 8-12 and under 105 lbs. Sailors get the opportunity to build skills on their own in boats designed for kids.
Build proficiency in basic sailing skills including tacking, jibing, sailing upwind and downwind
Sailing independently in an Opti
Using sailing skills for games and activities such as a scavenger hunt, basic racing, and relays
Take an Intermediate Opti class after completion and with instructor recommendation
Spring 2021 Youth Classes will be offered at TYC Wollochet Bay Outstation
AGES 8-11
$375 for 30 hours of instruction
$335 w/ TYC Member discount
Opti 2 is a special after school program designed for those who may not be ready for Intermediate Opti sailing, but are enjoying the sport and would like to continue sailing and building skills during the school year.
Review skills learned in Youth class as needed
Build on boat-handling
Develop comfort with maneuvers such as tacking, gybing, and the tiller hand exchange
Sailors must have taken a Youth class in previous summers in order to participate. Opti 2 registration for spring may open in early March
AGES 8-11
$375 for 30 hours of instruction
$335 w/ TYC Member discount
Intermediate Opti class is designed for sailors who have demonstrated basic sailing skills in a Youth class and who are interested in learning more. Kids under 105 lbs should take this class.
Build proficiency in boat-handling and basic racing skills
Sail independently in an Opti racing boat
Try out racing in a learner-friendly setting and work to be invited to the Narrows Race Team
Please note that participation requires a recommendation from a TYC or GHYC instructor - Opti Intermediate registration for spring may open in early March
In 2021 we will continue our partnership with GHYC Junior Sail to offer excellent sailing education to youth in the Gig Harbor and Tacoma communities. We will continue to adapt as needed to the COVID-19 pandemic and have adjusted programming for 2021. Read more about our COVID-19 response here.